Zoo Nation
Zoo Nation is a British science fiction fanzine edited by Pete Young.
Zoo Nation was first published in February 2002. It is a 1/2 A4 zine with a colour cover. Issue 7 came out in April 2006.
Contributors of writing include James Bacon (Journey Planet), Simon Bradshaw, Randy Byers (Chunga), Stuart Carter, Nic Farey, Robert Farrow, Allen Frost, Steve Green, Ulrich Haarbürste, Amy Harlib, David A. Hardy, Niall Harrison, Nick Honeywell, Kim Huett, Gareth Jelley, Sue Jones (Tortoise), Tony Keen, Dave Langford (Ansible), Rob Morganbesser, Farah Mendelson, David O'Neill, Curt Phillips, Steve Rothman, Marcus Rowland, Angela Rosin, C. Samuel Safran, Colin R. Skocik, Maureen Kincaid Speller (Steam Engine Time), Jan Trotter, Steve Weinik, Frank Wu, and Pete Young.
Contributors of art work include Steve Jeffery, Steve Green, Amy Harlib, Andrew Hoog, John Kovalic, Julia Morgan-Scott, and Peter Young.
Contributors of poetry include Del Cotter, Paul Di Filippo, Duane Elms, Rosie Hammond, Neal Murphy, Martin Newell, Juri Nummelin, Douglas Spencer, Richard Stephenson, and Pete Young.
Letters came from Neal Asher, Zara Baxter, Claire Brialey (Banana Wings), Jim Caughran, Lilian Edwards (Floss!, Gloss), Brad Foster, E.B. Frohvet (Twink), Jerry Kaufman (Littlebrook), Earl Kemp (Destiny), Jim Linwood (Typo), Murray Moore, Joseph Nicholas (Vector), Lloyd Penney (Torus), Greg Pickersgill (Rastus Johnson's Cakewalk), Milt Stevens, Ted White, and Bridget Wilkinson.
Zoo Nation won the Nova Award for Best Fanzine in 2003 and 2004.