Space Cadet
Space Cadet was a science fiction fanzine by R. Graeme Cameron.
Space Cadet was published in British Columbia, Canada, but is only available on-line at 14 issues were rleased between 1994 and 2000.
Contributing artists included Sheryl Birkhead, Ralph Brillhart, R. Graeme Cameron, Brad Foster, Barry Kent McKay, Scott Patri (Zero-G Lavatory), and William Rotsler.
Contributing writers included Al Betz (BCSFAzine), Charles S. Cameron, Terry Jeeves (ERG), and Taral Wayne (DNQ).
Reprinted articles by Leslie Croutch, editor of Light, were also featured.
Letters came from Alan Betz, Ned Brooks (It Goes On The Shelf), Chuck Connor (IDOMO), Rpbert 'Buck' Couslon (Yandro), Chester Cuthbert, Perry Grayson (Yawning Vortex), Dave Haren, Kenneth Knabbe (The Proper Boskonian), John Mansfield (Contact), Eric Mayer (E-Ditto), Michael McKenny (Bardic Runes), Murray Moore (Sacred Trust), Dave Panchyk (Spintrian), Scott Patri, Lloyd Penney (Torus), Randall Tin-Ear (The Angry Thoreauan), Harry Warner, Jr. (Horizons), and Walt Willis.
R. Graeme Cameron had previously published BCSFAzine from 1989 to 1995, and then published WCSFAzine.