Title was a science fiction fanzine by Donn Brazier.
Title was published from April 1972 till April 1978, with 73 issues appearing during that time. It was one of the earliest science fiction fanzines to be printed on the photocopier.
Ttile was a letterzine, whose contributors were the fanzine's regular letter writers. These included Claire Beck (The Science Fiction Critic), Sheryl Birkhead, Bill Bliss, Ed Cagle, C.D. Doyle, Jackie Franke (Resolution), Mike Glicksohn (Energumen), Terry Jeeves (ERG), Eric Mayer, David Rowe, Richard Shaver (The Shaver Mystery Magazine), Mae Strelkov, Bob Tucker (Le Zombie), Harry Warner, Jr. (Horizons), Frederick Wertham, and Gene Wolfe.
Contributing artists included Jackie Franke, among others.
Don Brazier had previously been editor of Frontier, in the early 1940s, and Googol in 1946. In the 1960s he was one of the co-editors of Sirruish, and went on to publish Title, and then Farrago from 1975 till 1978.