STF & FSY Songbook

Cover art by (clockwise from left) Ray Nelson, Mary Young, Jack Harness, and Bjo Trimble
STF & FSY Songbook is a filk songbook fanzine for the science fiction community by Hal Shapiro.
STF & FSY Songbook (Science Fiction and Fantasy Songbook) was published at Pittcon, the 1960 World Science Fiction Convention. It is widely regarded as the first filk publication, entirely devoted to filk songs. Science fiction fans wrote lyrics, either original, or parodies and adaptations of original songs, to accompany existing music. This fanzine collects the filk songs that were being performed at science fiction conventions.
Illustrations were contributed by Bjo Trimble (Shangri L'Affaires), Jack Harness, Mary Young, and Ray Nelson.
Lyrics were contributed by Beverly Jean Amherst, Isaac Asimov, Ray Beam (Indiana Fantasy), Greg Calkins (Oopsla!), L. Sprague de Camp, Lee Chaytor , Daniel Curran, Gordon R. Dickson, Paul Enevers, Richard Eney (A Sense Of FAPA), Lewis Forbes, Randall Garrett, Robert A. Heinlein, Jerry Hunter, Norman R. Jeffrey, Damon Knight (Snide), Elizabeth Lambert, Jack Langon, Nancy A. Moore, Jack Natkin, Bruce Pelz (I Palantir, Glamdring), Arthur Rapp (Spacewarp), Irene Sekula, Evelyn E. Smith, Charles R. Tanner, Juanita Coulson (as Juanita Wellons) (Yandro), Richard Wilson (Escape), and Leonard Wolf.