Ebon Lute
Ebon Lute is a literary horror fantasy fanzine by G. Sutton Breiding.
Ebon Lute was published in San Francisco, California, U.S.A. in the 1970s.
The first issue appeared in 1976. It featured contributions of writing from Karma Beck, G. Sutton Breiding, William Breiding (Star Fire), Karla Burke, William A. Conder, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Dale C. Donaldson (Moonbroth), Michael Fantina, David Madison, Steve Porter, Walter Shedlofsky (Inner Circle), Donald Sidney-fryer, Aljo Svoboda, Denis Tiani, Gary Warne, and Billy Wolfenbarger.
Contributions of art work were from John R. Benson (Doppelganger), Harry Clark, Harry O. Morris, David C. Smith, Claudia Suen, and Denis Tiani.
Issue two appeared in Summer 1977.
G. Sutton Breiding also published The Punk-Surrealist Cafe.