Wallbanger is a science fiction fandom fanzine by Eve Harvey.
"Wallbanger has never been interested in science fiction because science fiction isn't why I'm here", says Eve Harvey in issue 15. She explains further, "I'm here because I like people. I want to see the world through other's eyes and sf fans do tend to expose more of their innermost feelings than other social groups..."
Wallbanger was published in the UK. The first issue was published in August 1978, and was released sporadically throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Issue 16 appeared in February 1997.
The first issue featured Simone Walsh (Seamonsters) interviewing Roy Kettle, and "Survivacon Rep" by Paul Kincaid (Vector).
Contributors of writing include John Harvey (Pulp), Irwin Hirsh (Thyme), Rhodri James, David Langford (Ansible), Darroll Pardoe (Les Spinge, Vector) and Lynda White.
Contributors of art work include Rob Hansen (Epsilon, Pulp, Chuch).
Eve Harvey was also one of the editors of Vector and co-published GHAS with John Harvey and Carol Gregory from 1975-1977.