Menagerie was a media science fiction fanzine by Sharon Ferraro and Paula Smith.
The first issue of Menagerie was released in 1973. It was devoted to Star Trek (the original series) and contained editorials, satire, fiction, poetry, art, fanzine reviews, and letters.
Contributors of writing included Susan Armstrong, Margaret Basta, Jacqueline Bielowicz, Paula Block, Lori Chapek-Carleton, Chen, Lee Crawford, Mary Louis Dodge, Gerry Downes, Margaret Draper, G. Eiran, Connie Faddis (Interphase), Kathie Farnell, Vaughn Guild, Cynthia Gwilym, Anna Mary Hall, Phyllis Karr, Barbara Lambert Hancock, Diane Marchant, Diedre Mathres, Mary Kay Polan, Inge Roeder, Eileen Roy, Brenda Shaffer, Cara Sherman, Karen Strope, Kathleen Tucker, and Joyce Yasner.
Poetry was by Jane Aumerle, Helen Dye, Jocelyn Feater, Frankie Jemison, and Paula Smith.
Contributors of art work included Robert Abiera, Susan Armstrong, Terry Austin, Todd Bake, Randy Bathurst, Grant Canfield, Gordon Carleton, Chen, Mike Chiccelly, Stuart Chisholm, Liz Dulac, Connie Faddis, Leslie Fish, Karen Flannery, Amy Harlib, James Hastings-Trew, C. Lee Healy, Doug Herring, Wendy Lindboe, Taral MacDonald (aka Taral Wayne), Mike MacGuiness, Diane Marchant, Martynn, Jeff Maynard, Monica Miller, Peggy Pomposini, Doug Rice, Carolynn Roth, Cara Sherman, Jim Shull (The Essence), Paula Smith, Joan Thornbottom, Bjo Trimble (Shangri L'Affaires, Melange), Laurraine Tutihasi (Feline Mewsings), Anji Valenza, Joni Wagner, Robin Wood, Mark Wright, Vicky Wyman, and Steve Young.
Covers were by Joni Wagner (#3), Phil Foglio (#4, #5, #6), Doug Rice (#6, #9), V.M. Wyman (#7/8), Jim Odbert (#10), C. Lee Healy (#11), Susan Armstrong (#12)
Letters came from Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Bjo Trimble.
Issue 15 featured a profile of artist Frank Kelly Freas.