Science, Fantasy, and Science Fiction
Science, Fantasy, and Science Fiction was a science fiction fanzine edited by Franklin Dietz, Jr and published in Long Island, N.Y., U.S.A.
The first issue appeared in April 1948, the second in July 1948. The third issue, released in October 1948, announced that Science, Fantasy, and Science Fiction was now the Official Organ of the Fantasy Artisans Club. The fourth issue, appearing in January 1949, announced that the zine was now combined with Jerri Bullock and Russ Manning's Fan Artisan.
As the organ of The Fantasy Artisan's Club, the fanzine featured much artwork by the various members, who included John E. Blyer, Ken Brown, Lee Budoff, Jerri Bullock, Ed Cox, Frank Dietz, Jr., Lester Fried, Bill Grant, Joe Gross, John Grossman, W, Leslie Hudon, Roberta Hess, Bill Kroll, Sol Levin, "Loki", Russ Manning, Howard Miller, William Rotsler, Albert Toth, and J. Henk Sprenger of the Netherlans and Ben Abas of Holland.
Also included were articles, fiction and poetry by Lin Carter, Walter Cole, Franklin Dietz, Jr., W. Leslie Hudson, Joe Kennedy (Vampire)Bill Kroll, Sam Moskowitz (Helios), Alex Osheroff, John Quigley, Joe Schamuburger, James Taurasi (Cosmic Tales)