File 770
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File 770 is a science fiction fanzine by Mike Glyer.
File 770 is published in Sierra Madre, California, U.S.A. The first issue appeared in January 1978, and has appeared regularly since then, with 160 issues published in that time.
Contributing artists include Grant Canfield, John DeChancie, Brad Foster, Alexia Gilliland, Tim Marion, Bill Rotsler, Steve Stiles, Taral Wayne (DNQ), and Alan White.
Contributing writers include Steve Green, John Hertz, Taral Wayne, Martin Wooster.
Contributing photographers include Kenn Bates, Diana Glyer, Mike Glyer, Francis Hamit, Leigh Strother-Vien, John King Tarpainian.
File 770 has won the Hugo Award for Best Fanzine four times, for the years 1989, 2000, 2001 and 2008.