Cindy Gretchen Ovenrack Crabb

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Cindy Gretchen Ovenrack Crabb is a zinemaker.

She is best known for her perzine Doris and the sexual assault and abuse prevention and support resource zine, Support, though she has edited and contributed to numerous other compilations. An anthology of the first eighteen issues of Doris has been released by Microcosm Publishing. She self-published a second anthology, The Encyclopedia of Doris.

In the early 1990's, Crabb was part of the Youth Greens and the AWOL Collective, publishers of Free Society. Her experiences in the Youth Greens were later documented in the pages of Doris.

Cindy continues to publish Doris, contribute to zines and stay active in the zine community. She currently runs Doris Press (formerly known as Riot Grrrr Distro) and Horsy Girl Music Distro.




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