Telegram Ma'am
Telegram Ma'am is a perzine written by Maranda Elizabeth of Lindsay, Ontario, Canada and Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Maranda describes her zine as "a perzine about mental health, loneliness, nostalgia, adventures, bicycles, small towns, and finding a home." Frequent topics include insights about location and identity, and life as a genderqueerdo. They also share details of their experiences with depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder.
Several issues of Telegram Ma'am have been published as split zines, including numbers 12 and 17 with Culture Slut (written by Maranda's twin sister Amber Forrester) and number 18 with Your Pretty Face is Going Straight to Hell by Miss Tukru.
When Maranda came out as genderqueer, they altered the title of their zine to Telegram. Issues 24, 25, 26, and 27 are written under this title.
There are currently twenty-seven issues of this zine.
Maranda Elizabeth also writes the fiction zine, Edith, and the 24-hour zine, Little Acorns.
External links
- [1] Maranda's Blog]
- We Make Zines profile
- Ordering information