Saliromania is a science fiction fanzine by Michael Ashley.
The first issue of Saliromania was published in the UK in September 1990. Issue 12 appeared in April 1998.
Contributions included "Depression Tango" by Pam Wells, co-editor of Pulp, Six Shooter, and Attitude, reporting on her Trans Atlantic Fan Fund trip .
Letters came from Lucy Huntzinger (Rude Bitch), among others.
The fanzine reviewers of Plotka #11 helpfully attempt a definition: "SALIROMANIA is in fact a commonly used acronym on soc.psychopathy.leeds, and stands for Scraping A Living in Remote Outpost, Michael Ashley's Neuroses Imitate Art."
In TommyWorld # 46, Tommy Ferguson writes, "Ashley once again shows by his disparaging remarks on Corflu UK that whilst he proclaims to be outside of fandom, his insights are vitally important to any of us willing to see beyond the social life it gives us."
Saliromania won the Nova Award for Best Fanzine in 1991. Michael Ashley also won the Nova Award for Best Fanwriter the same year.