Science Fiction / San Francisco
Science Fiction / San Francisco (often referred to as SF/SF) is a Science Fiction fanzine founded by Jack Avery in 2005.
Science Fiction / San Francisco has been hosted on from issue 1 and is available as a PDF Webzine. Jack Avery edited the fanzine alone for the first nine issues.
During this time, it featuring articles from Chris Garcia, Jean Martin and Dr. Noe. A large section of each issue was a Bay Area Fandom Calendar.
After issue 9, Jack Avery announced that he was giving the zine up and Garcia and Martin took up editorship while Avery remained doing layout and the calendar section. After issue 20, Avery left the zine and was replaced by Eva Kent. David Moyce came on board as proof-reader and handling the calendar section.
In December 2009, Garcia left as co-editor, leaving Jean Martin As Editor-in-Chief, and Espana SHerriff as Editor.
Contributors of writing include Johnny Absinthe, Tom Becker, Phil Gust, Robert Hole, Howeird, Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Diane Rooney, Espana Sheriff, Maurice Ratz, Andrew Trembley.
Contributing photographers include Johnny Absinthe, Jin Bull, Oscar Chang, Howeird, Lucy Huntzinger, Deboran Kopec, Jean Martin, Diane Rooney, Jason Schachat and Kin Yasuda.
Contributing artists include Genevieve, Leah Jay, Kate Kelton, M. Rhodes, and Mo Starkey.
Letters came from Greg Pickersgill (Rastus Johnson's Cakewalk), John Purcell (Askance) and Lloyd Penney (Torus).
It was announced the Eva Kent would shortly be leaving SF/SF, leading the editors looking for their third layout editor.