Esprit was a science fiction zine by Daphne Buckmaster.
Esprit was published in Kirkdudbright, Scotland in 1954 and early 1960s. It was originally intended for circulation in the Offtrails Magazine Publishers Association (OMPA) but with the 13th issue in 1960 she decided to make it generally available. She stated her intentions were: " attempt at the sort of fanzine which I have long waited to see but have never come across - a magazine in which observations, experiences and ideas can be exchanged."
Five of the post OMPA issues were released, the last in 1961. Five of the post OMPA issues were released, the last in 1961.
Contents of Vol. 2 No. 2, October 1960, include an article on the future of Sf by John Rackham, history, Fandom and DF, Psychosomatics and the senses.
Contributors included Sid Birchby, Max Cranium, Nan Gerding, Julian Parr, John Rackham, Art Rapp (Spacewarp) and D. R. Smith.