The Texas SF Inquirer

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The Texas SF Inquirer
Cover art by Brad Foster

The Texas SF Inquirer is a science fiction fanzine published by the Fandom Association of Central Texas (F.A.C.T.).

The Texas SF Inquirer was begun in the 1980s. The first editor was Pat Mueller, followed by Alex Slate.

Contributors of writing included Richard Brandt ( Fanthology '87), Carolyn Cooper, Scott A. Cupp, Ellen Dallow, Fred Duarte, Jr., A.P. McQuiddy, Pat Mueller, Lawrence Person, and Allen Varnery, among others.

Included were interviews with Pat Cadigan, William Gibson (Genre Plat) (#22), Lewis Shiner (#19), and Bruce Sterling (#19), among others.

Contributing artists included Brad Foster, and Teddy Harvia, among others.

In 1988, under the editorship of Pat Mueller, The Texas SF Inguirer won the Hugo Award for Best Fanzine.

Pat Mueller Virzi had previously co-published Fanthology 1986 with Dennis Virzi and Mike Glyer. In Spring 1988, Pat Mueller. now Pat Mueller Virzi, began publishing her more personal zine, Pirate Jenny.

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