Wred Fright
Wred Fright is the pseudonym of Fred Wright, an American zinester and musician. Whilst at university studying to doctorate level he wrote two dissertations upon the subject of why people make zines. He employed a Jungian approach and argued that creating a zine is an important step for a zinester in creating her/his identity in the world. His first published zine was drinkdrankdrunk. He is probably most well known for a his next zine, The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus, which is the story of a student house and garage band. It was first published as a serialised zine in 2002-2003, then as an ebook and, in 2006, as a novel.
He is reading from The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus on the Underground Literary America tour organised by the Underground Literary Alliance in summer 2007.
Contributions to other Zines
Contributions to Anthologies
- A Sentence Of Grace in The Slush Pile 2 2002
- Weekendless in The Bukowski Hangover Project 2003
- The New Kid Has An Old Bicycle in Punch & Pie 2003
- The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus 2006
Ma Thesis
- Personality on Parade: A Psychoanalytic Analysis of the Zine Revolution 1995
Phd Thesis
- From Zines to Ezines: Electronic Publishing and the Electronic Underground 2001
- Underground Literary Adventures 2004-5
- The Monday Report Box 2004-5
- His own blog
Other Projects
Fred has played in a large number of rock n roll bands with unlikely sounding names.