Torus was a science fiction fanzine published by the Kamikaze Editorial Collective.
Torus was published in the 1980s in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The editors were Lloyd Penney, Keith Soltys, Nancy Soltys, Michael Skeet and Michael Willis.
The first issue appeared in 1986. Eight issues were published, the last one appearing in December 1990.
Contributors to issue one included Heather Ashby, Christopher Goggan, Mike Glicksohn (Energumen), Garth Spencer, Paul Stockton, Lorna Toolis, Karen Wehrstein aand the editors. This issue also featured an interview with Judith Merril.
Issue two appeared in October 1987, at which time Michael Skeet joins the Kollective. Thissue features an interview with C. J. Cherryh.
Issue 3, April 1988 features interviews with Elisabeth Vonarburg and Donald Kingsbury.