Swallow Your Pride
Swallow Your Pride is a zine published in New York City, NY, U.S.A. by Kathryn, Mattilda aka Matt Bernstein Sycamore, and Scott Berry.
"How's your gag reflex?", the editors ask in the introduction to issue two. Three issues of this zine were released starting in the late 1990's till 2000. The editors further state in their intro, "We are ashamed of Chelsea homogeneity, "community" as a corporate target market, giuliani in the "pride" parade, foaming-at-the-mouth praise for anti-feminist "pro-gay" beer advertising, and reactionary "we're just like you" gays and lesbians who ally themselves with straight, racist conservatives." The zine is subtitled, "a queer hands-on tool for do-it-yourself activism".
Contributors to issue two included Joneil Adriano, F.A.G. (Feminist Action Group), Jane G., Andrew Horwitz, Jonnie, Ananda La Vita, Andrew McCarthy, Alex McClelland, Abe Miner, Tim Murphy, Chris Ohnesorge, Robert Siek, Bwuce Thmith, Rachel Walsh, and Erin Wendt.
Contributors to issue three include Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhran, Christopher Brown, Daphne Gottlieb, Travis Jeppesen, Quentin D. Johnson, Heiko Kalmbach, Larrybob, Ananda La Vita, Ray Rivas, Roisin, Jesse Sanford, Jane Spade, Terre Thaemlitz, Scott Treleaven, Ultra Red, Neil Vora, Sharon Wachsler.