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Welcome to ZineWiki!,
the independent media wikipedia
5,223 articles in English

ZineWiki is an open-source encyclopedia devoted to zines and independent media. It covers the history, production, distribution and culture of the small press.

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This Week's Featured Article

Zine World #20

Zine World: A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press is an independent publication which covers independent and underground media. It reviews mostly zines, but also books, comics, newsletters, videos and spoken word recordings.

The material it covers is generally available directly from the publishers, and each review includes ordering information and other specifics (such as whether or not the item is free to prisoners, or the publisher's trade policy).

Its news section covers free speech issues and other topics of interest to the independent publishing community. It has published essays from Karl Wenclas, Jeff Somers and other prominent underground writers.


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Feel free to add your project, contribute additional information to already existing pages, or to edit what’s already published. Subjects should be explained in terms of their relevance to zines and independent media.