Romulan Wine

Cover art by Cara Sherman Tereno
Romulan Wine is a media science fiction fanzine by Cara Sherman Tereno.
Published in the U.S.A. in the 1970s, Romulan Wine is an anthology of fiction and articles dedicated to the television seriesStar Trek (the original series).
Romulan Wine, issue 1 includes the editorial "High Council" by Cara Sherman, and "The Fiendish Offendie Affair" (Part 1) by Cara Sherman
Romulan Wine 2 was published in 1971. it contains 91 pages and includes the editorial "High Council" by Cara Sherman, "Johnny Banana Seed". "The Fiendish Offendie Affair" (Part 2) by Cara Sherman, "Star Retch" by P. O'Keefe, and the editorial "High Council Guest Editorial" by B. Westbrook.
Romulan Wine 3 was published in 1971 and contains 85 pages Included are the editorial "High Council" by Cara Sherman, the article "Quack" by Cara Sherman, "Crony the Barbarian" by D. McDonnell, "Sunn of Star Retch" by P. O'Keefe, "The Pusher" by B. Rupp. "Origin of Peter Sunn" by Cara Sherman, the review "Kraith" by Cara Sherman, and convention report "DTFF Convention" by Cara Sherman.
Romulan Wine 4 was published 1972 and contains 114 pages, which include the editorial "High Council" by Cara Sherman, the article "Quack by Cara Sherman, "Tanel of Darthang" by M. Coburn, "Romu lans: The Empire Papers" by K. Nickel. "Planet of the Frogs" by Cara Sherman, "Lt. West of the W.A.S.P." by J.P. Moore, "The Maltese Vulcan" (Part 1) by Cara Sherman, "Sakenn" by Cara Sherman, and the article "Feminism in Science Fiction" by Cara Sherman.
Romulan Wine 5 is explicit het and called "The Porno Issue". It contains 100 pages and included the editorial "High Council" by Cara Sherman, the article "Quack" by Cara Sherman. "May You Always Have Interesting Dreams" by A. Falkowitz, "Star Sex" by A. Kasanoff, "Three Lay-Spock Vignettes" by Paula Smith (Menagerie), "The Maltese Vulcan" (Part 2) by Cara Sherman, "O.G.M.L., or Why Bomulans Don't Take Prisoners" by Cara Sherman, and "Species Jokes".