Pinterest Interest!
Pinterest Interest! is a single-issue zine published in April, 2013 by Kari Tervo. It explores Pinterest from top to bottom: She looks at what's on Pinterest and thinks about why it's there, reveals Pinterest's top topics, and talks about some Pinterest characteristics that annoy her. Plus, she offers some potential innovative uses of Pinterest, and answers your burning question: Is there porn on Pinterest?
Pinterest Interest! is 24 black-and-white pages in a quarter-size format.
Pinterest Interest! is a 24-Hour zine. The 24-Hour Zine Thing is a challenge in which a zine must be produced, from concept to final product, in 24 consecutive hours. It is usually completed in July, which is International Zine Month. Tervo produced Pinterest Interest! on April 14th and 15th, 2013. Kicking things off with an hour of research at 4 pm, followed by a nice nap, she completed the zine at about 6 am the next day. Finishing touches were complete prior to the 4 pm deadline, but a tired Tervo glued on some of the pages crooked. She reserves the right to fix these at a later date.