Daarke Worlde
Daarke Worlde is a literary horror zine by T. Johnathon Brook.
Published in the 1990s in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia, Daarke Worlde was a zine containing fiction, aticles, poetry and art work devoted to horror and the supernatural. It began in 1992 as a spin off of The Melbourne Horror Society, available to club members but later became available by general subscription. The Assistant Editor was Chris A. Masters (EOD Magazine), who also wrote a series on old horror movies for the zine.
Contributors included G.S. Blackshaw, Don Boyd Futuristic Tales), S. Darnbrook Colson, Jack Cousins, Amy Fairmont, Darren Goossens, D.F. Lewis, Mark McAuliffe, Kirstyn McDermott, Margaret Pearce, Tony Plank, P.J. Roberts, Sarah Rossetti and Sean Williams.
Cover art was by Luigi Del Mastro, Tonia Walden, and Des Waterman.