Joe Biel
Joe Biel (aka Abner Smith, Boe Jiel, Beau Gheale) is a zinester and videomaker from northeast OH and Portland, OR. He currently lives in Bloomington, IN. He moved to live the folk-punk dream and get back in touch with his midwest roots, as well as the acquisition of higher quality pizza.
In 2006 he went from having -13/-10 vision to having -.5/-.2. In 2009 he had his fourth eye surgery and assisted in the construction of several liveable shacks (one on a trailer frame) and set out to build a portable shack for himself in Portland.
Founder and sole employee of Microcosm Publishing for the first 5 years. He rides his bike most places and eats out a lot these days while reading zine submissions or doing accounting work.
He was first introduced to zines in 1994 when Jake Kelly was selling copies of his zine "Summer" at the Euclid Tavern in Cleveland. He had given up on reading as a result of high school and "Summer" was the best thing he had read to date. As a result he persued all zines he could find and soon started writing his own.