User:Holy Crapparel

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Zine Camp invitation / open call for participation

On the 24-25th of May, WORM will host a 2 day Zine Camp, an open workspace connecting like-minded zinesters and newbies from Rotterdam to national/international zinesters and newbies. The aim is of course to make zines together, but also to provide a space and place to socialize and collaborate in an attempt to discover and foster a growing community of zine-makers in the NL. Everyone is welcome and entrance is free so no excuses! Drop by!

Zines are DIY periodicals, traditionally self-published on printed format. They've been published by science, music and soccer fans, political dissenters, activists, or just people who want to share ideas or aspects of their personal life. Most zines are grassroots products of underground, fringe or alternative publishing and distribution and have been largely ignored by mainstream publishing.

However, this is by no means restrictive to what a zine can be. Experimentation with form, technical execution, concept, or (ideological) function is more than welcome to open up the question of what constitutes a zine today, i.e audio zine, film zine, super 8 zine, etc.

WORM will provide a large, free space, with tables to work on, a photocopy machine, paper, scissors, glue and last but not least a bar and a stage for live performances.

Similar to a hacklab or BarCamp, we find it important to keep it loosely organized to allow for self organization and spontaneity, but at the same time provide some kind of structure to see what is possible at the Zine Camp.

Loose program

Here is our basic skeleton of a program, but keep in mind that this is not a fixed structure and is open to accommodate suggestions and proposals.

Activities -workshops -presentations/screenings -special events (performances) -night program

Ongoing -zine stalls / show space - open tables: place to share knowledge / making station. This will be scattered throughout the WORM venue.


There are many ways in which you can participate, however is a quick overview:

1) Simply come by and make a zine.

2) Drop by on the day and feel free to participate in the activities, program, and open tables. Think about spontaneously doing a workshop or presentation!

3) If you have an idea you would like to propose that fits in with the loose program needing time to prepare and organize please let us know in advance.

Food and sleeping

You can buy a cheap dinner at WORM. For visitors coming from abroad, we can help in finding accommodation.


Stichting WORM Boomgaardsstraat 71 3012 XA Rotterdam

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