How do you take it?

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How do you take it? is an ongoing perzine by Melbourne based zinester Tasha.

The first issue was printed in 2010.

Constantly reflected in these zines are points on parenthood & personal identity.

Issues to date:

HDYTI?#1 - Theories I have about me, hair cuts & boobs.

HDYTI?#2 - Street art? zine fair experience, family antics, toast sculpting & a recipe for a pecan thing.

HDYTI?#3 - The year that plots to kill me, inspiration from lemons, waiting & changes.

HDYTI?#4 - Love, life & learning.

HDYTI?#5 - The post winter issue, ugly, ugly emotions.

HDYTI?#6 - Dealing with ones self.

HDYTI?#7 - In the heat of a new year: work, people & waste, causing waves, judgement, expectations & unexpected big things.

HDYTI?#8 - I'm not so sure on anything anymore.

HDYTI?#9 - Lists and moments of disenchantment. It continues...

HDYTI?#10 - Living my contradiction, living by contradiction.

HDYTI?#11 - On Family, life, love, purpose & self.

HDYTI?#12 - Me: music, art, identity, making less sense of it all..