Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

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The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has a zine collection.

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The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Main Zine Collection is made up of the donated Comic Release zine collection, which focuses heavily on comics and art zines, and the general adult zine collection, which also has literary, personal, and various types of informational zines, for example zines on activism, biking, gardening, and zine librarianship. We try to have a collection that is balanced across subject areas and that speaks to community needs and interests. We do have some zines in the collection because of their historical significance, but we have many more contemporary zines than archival material.

Our zines are located near the graphic novels on the First Floor of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - Main in Oakland, at 4400 Forbes Avenue. The zines cannot be checked out, but you can read them anywhere in the library.

Our zines are cataloged on LibraryThing at [1]. Search the LibraryThing catalog to see what zines we have in the collection or search for a particular author, title, or subject. An item's third tag in its LibraryThing record tells you what subject an item is shelved under in the collection. Items are organized alphabetically by title within their subjects.

We have a tumblr at [2].