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Zugang - Issue Six

Zugang was a zine from Richmond, Indiana, U.S.A.

Published in the late 1980's , Zugang covered the punk and hardcore scene. The first issue of the zine was entitled Impaled Details but by the second issue the name had changed to Zugang and would remain so for the next seven issues. Interviews with bands were featured prominently in each issue. Also included was writing on politics, religion, racism, tax resistance, straight edge, and censorship. Zugang was a photocopied cut and paste zine that was published by Lisa L and was always free.


1. Interviews with Anti-Scrunti Faction, Kumi Katyrit

2. Interviews with Sub, Impulse Manslaughter, Desecration

3. Interviews with Transgression, G.A.S.H., Psycho Sin

4. Interviews with Radiation Sickness, The Fixtures, Hand Of Doom

5. Interviews with Freaks of Mature, SNFU, Libido Boys, Moral Crux, Action Figure

6. Interviews with Skeletal Earth, Hellbound, Fifth Column

7. Interviews with Dryrot, Lie Detectors, the writer White Boy

8. Interviews with 2 Car Family, Social Outcast

Zugang also released a number of cassette compilation tapes, such as Back Stabbing Two Faced Compilation, Frisk, Nature In the Raw and Acu-Punk-Ture.

Zugang ended in 1990 after eight issues had been produced.