IPRC Zine Library
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The IPRC maintains a library of over 4,000 self-published and independently produced materials. Items are available to the public for circulation and for reference use. The library contains materials that are not otherwise represented in public libraries and that may be lost forever without their efforts. Located on the shelves are comics, chap books, novels, catalogs, zines, artists' books, and more. A comprehensive reference section includes artists books, guides, criticism, history and how-to information available to examine and use in the library. Additionally, all materials produced in whole or part at the IPRC are archived as part of this collection.
The collection is easy to browse as it is labeled and categorized by subject and alphabetized by title. Extensive effort has gone into cataloging the collection, enabling library users to search by title, author, publisher, date, subject and contents. Checking out materials is easy. Simply stop by the center and fill out a registration form to get your library number which enables you to check-out up to 10 publications for 2 weeks.
The library's only source for acquisitions is through the donations of individuals, editors and publishers. Without their generosity their shelves would be empty. We appreciate it if you are able to make a monetary donation; it enables them to purchase important publications that they are unable to get through donations and helps to defray the costs of operating the library. See their website for information on making a donation.
Additionally, they always welcome donations of your publication or collection. You may send them to the center or drop them by during our open hours.
Please add information on any notable events or projects your library has been involved with/produced.