Dayna Moth

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Dayna Moth (born December 4) is a zinester from Kansas City, MO, USA, who also creates zines under the moniker cat moth crow. They use the pronouns they/them and she/her.

They are one of the organizers of KC Zine Con, an annual DIY publishing festival in Kansas City, MO. They are the author of the perzines Pocci and Hagwitch, as well as zines about witchcraft, DIY skills, and mental health. Their work has been distributed by Pioneer’s Press, Portland Button Works and Neither/Nor Zine Distro. They also help facilitate zine-making workshops with an emphasis on helping students craft personal narratives.

Dayna is the current moderator of the Zine Reviews Instagram page, where they review zines submitted from around the world. They also post Zine Review content on the catmothcrow Youtube channel, and on their blog.



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