Drawn Poorly
Drawn Poorly is a zine and creative project focused on illness and disability. It was founded by Rose Sergent and is based in Manchester, UK.
Through zines, workshops and creative projects, they platform experiences of illness and disability, with the aim to provide space and connection. They also provide arts opportunities for ill and disabled folk.
Since 2017, they have created six collaborative zines with artists from across the world.
In September 2018, Drawn Poorly had it's first performance night for the "Barriers" Zine Launch. The performers included Jamie Lee, Joby Mageean, Helen Seymour and Katie Watson. In August 2019, Drawn Poorly was part of the workshop programme at Edinburgh Fringe Central with a series of creative sessions called ‘Let’s Make Sick Art!’. These were focussed on how the arts could be more accessible to ill and disabled artists.
Issue One
Identity focuses on the relationship between chronic illness, long term conditions and their affect on identity.
Issue Two
Relationships:Sometimes relationships and chronic illness/long term health and relationships don’t work. Sometimes they do.
Issue Three
Diagnosis Diagnosis is a tricky journey. For some people it takes years, for others it’s sudden.
Issue Four
Barriers Issue four is a collective response to societal barriers, how we manage them and over come them. Features 20 artists, writers and photographers.
Issue Five
Missing out Issue five of Drawn Poorly - 32 pages of creatives talking about FOMO (fear of missing out) and what that means when you have chronic illness, disability or a mental health condition.
Issue Six
Nature Issue Six focused on how nature and outdoors makes them feel as ill/disabled people. Featuring forty-four creative contributors. It was released in July 2020.