Diatribe Media

Diatribe Media is a collective based on Chicago's South Side. The collective is a loose, informal, non-hierarchical grouping of writers, artists and bands from Chicago and Northwest Indiana. The organizers behind the Diatribe Media productions--including show bookings, and zine readings and event tabling--are also affiliated with Fall of Autumn.
The Diatribe Media collective includes by design nearly every person who has ever worked with, in or on a Diatribe Media production of any kind. There is a core group of organizers and regular production participants, however, which may more formally be considered the roster of active members, according to the founders, who openly admit to sometimes inducting members without their knowledge. Sometimes referred to internally as the "Diatribe Media Galaxy of Stars," the core group of member zine writers currently includes:
- Aaron Cynic ((Diatribe Zine)
- Emerson Dameron (Wherewithal)
- Jeff Disler (Time All At Once)
- Alicia Dorr (Random Life in Progress))
- Katherine Hodges (Thinking About Suicide, Noncompliant)
- Alan Lastufka (Pressed Between the Pages)
- Andrew Mall (Living Proof)
- Billy Roberts (Proof I Exist, Loop Distro)
- Kate Sandler (Brainiac Zine)
- Grant Schreiber (Judas Goat Quarterly)
- Mitchell Szczpanczyk (Chicago Media Action)
- Brandon Wetherbee (Foul)
Diatribe Media grew out of Aaron Cynic's work with Diatribe Zine and the Northwest-Indiana-based band The Wanderers, and collaboration with Kate Sandler. Maintaining a seperate identity from but working closely with the now-defunct Self-Publishers Events Council of Chicago, Diatribe Media was heavily involved in the upstart and maintenance of a monthly zine reading series which takes place at MoJoe's Hothouse in Chicago.
In early 2006, Diatribe Media reorganized to include the Fall of Autumn online zine resource center in its top project priorities. Since then, the Diatribe Media name has been seen less often, though the collective remains a distinct and separate organization. Cynic and Sandler, still the main forces behind Diatribe Media, currently are both staff members at Fall of Autumn, under whose banner most of their zine-related activities presently take place.