Pumpkin Boy
This mini-comic from Matt Fagan of Chicago is a Halloween fable for young and old! This elaborately rhyming story follows an ambitious, perfectly formed pumpkin with dreams of greatness. Left behind in the pumpkin patch but determined to find success, Pumpkin Boy hears a rumor that the Crown Prince of Halloween is looking for candidates who might qualify for The Scariest Jack O'Lantern of all! His incredible journey of self-discovery leads him to a fate he could never have imagined...
Set one year after the first rhyme, Pumpkin-Boy 2: The Halloween Witches is the story of a young man whose parents have mysteriously abandoned him. What strange fate connects him with the events of Pumpkin-Boy? What happened to his parents? And just who are the Halloween Witches, anyway? All these questions and more will be answered in the mind-blowing sequel!