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HERE BE DRAGONS - subtitled "a political fanzine" is a zine based out of Pittsburgh, PA. The editors are Mike Q. Roth and Eric (the Red) Meisberger. The first issue was released in the fall of 1997. As of this time, 9 full issues and one 1/2 issue have been released. The most recent issue #9 was released in October 2005. The zine follows a basic "the personal is the political" ideology discussing how our politics interact with our everyday lives. Some of the recurring political themes in HBD are DIY, socialism, anarchism, and environmentalism.

Issue # 9 - the "Pittsburgh Punx Over 30" issue is the only issue still in print. This issue covers topics like marriage, home ownership, growing older and remaining vegan, as well as interviews with some punk librarians, the band Caustic Christ, and punk photographer Missy Wright (all of the interviewees are over 30). This issue is available for $2 from the addres below.

Here Be Dragons PO Box 8131 Pittsburgh, PA 15217