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(Submission Guidelines)
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Latest revision as of 14:51, 28 September 2010

Submission Guidelines

Interrobang accepts submissions across creative disciplines. Though we cannot guarantee publication, we treat every piece with care and consideration.


Submit online to submissions@interrobangzine.com with the genre of your piece in the subject line (POETRY, for example, if you’re submitting poetry). Please put your name, address, and preferred email address in the message body so we can contact you to let know that we’ve received your piece, and for follow-up if your work is accepted. Scroll down to find out more.

PLEASE NOTE: By submitting, YOU GIVE INTERROBANG PERMISSION TO PUBLISH YOUR WORK in 1 (one) print edition, and online at Interrobangzine.com. Future and concurrent submission rights and all other rights are the sole property of the writer and/or artist.


Fiction, Non-Fiction, Creative Essays, and Polemical Ramblings should be no longer than 3000 words. Two 1500 word pieces are fine. Three 1000 word pieces even. But please, no more than that: We are but a small editorial board and can only read so much.

You may submit up to five Poems. We’d prefer any single poem to be under two pages in length, though we will make exceptions for the truly spectacular. No Homeric epics please. When in doubt, see the 3000-word guideline.

All Photography and Art should be submitted digitally. There are no constraints for the web, but for those who want to see their work in the print edition must submit line art, sketches, or black-and-white images with the understanding that we do not at present have sufficient funds to go above photostat/newsprint quality. Please note “For Print and Web” or “For Web Only” in your email.

Do you work with electronics, chiptunes, found sounds, short films, or other Audio and Visual work of an experimental nature? Submit! Please include an artist’s statement with a description of the project and your intent behind it.


Tech specs: We ask that text submissions be submitted in .DOC or .RTF format. Photography and art should be attached as high-quality JPEGS. Music and video should be submitted in .MP3 and .MPG respectively.

We accept submissions on a rolling basis throughout the year. Don’t hesitate to with us for any additional questions that aren’t covered here or in the FAQ.