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Chicago Media Action (CMA) is an activist group dedicated to analyzing and broadening Chicago's mainstream media and to building Chicago's independent media.

Chicago Media Action has concentrated its activist work to a number of media-related spheres in Chicago and across the United States, including the Federal Communications Commission, U.S. public television (PBS), public and community radio, and cable public access television.

Chicago Media Action has also worked on outreach and education, to emphasize the importance of media as an issue in its own right. CMA's outreach has included a series of public education forums on various media-themed matters; various writings, articles, and dispatches; numerous appearances in radio, television, and in print; and assorted presentations to audiences large and small.

They encourage groups and individuals, in the Chicago area and elsewhere, to work with the CMA. CMA maintains an online mailing list for sending a regular monthly newsletter and occasional alerts of timely interest.

External Links

Chicago Media Action's website