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Creativity for Introverts is a zine series by Michelle of Alexandria, VA.

The series focuses on helping you deal with your creativity as an introvert in a world that expects you to easily jump out of your skin at any given moment, but it also addresses issues with accepting introversion, balancing energy levels throughout life, and what to do in uncomfortable social situations. Each zine comes with access to an exclusive website with supplementary exercises that will assist in balancing your energy levels.

The author is interested in distro opportunities.


  • Issue 1: Introduction Explains in full what to expect from the series and some of the issues that will be addressed. Included with Issue 2 in all sales and trades.
  • Issue 2: Understanding Flow Describes the state of total natural feeling where you’re moving through life without stressing about your social desires as much as you probably normally do. It’s an introduction to kick-start your journey battling the stresses that constantly bother us in the world we live today. Included with Issue 1 in all sales and trades.
  • Issue 3: Energy Explains in more detail the different kinds of energies both extroverts and introverts possess, including how you can pay attention to your own energy levels. Energy levels play a huge part in how often (or loudly) we can be creative, so it’s important to understand your individual needs. Included with On Highly Sensitive People minizine in all sales and trades.
  • Issue 4: Reaction vs Response Addresses our responses to unideal situations and how we act around people who don't understand introversion. I attempt to help you navigate those difficulties and present the best possible YOU to the rest of the world. Mastering these challenges will significantly reduce your stress levels and help you find more focus on your creative impulse! Included with On Acceptance minizine in all sales and trades.
  • Issue 5: Approach to Knowledge TBD - not yet released.
  • Issue 6: Environment TBD - not yet released.
  • Issue 7: Balance TBD - not yet released.
  • Issue 8: Confidence TBD - not yet released. Will be included with Issue 9 in all sales and trades.
  • Issue 9: Conclusion TBD - not yet released. Will be included with Issue 8 in all sales and trades.


  • On Highly Sensitive People Explains what makes a person highly sensitive and emphasizes the importance of accepting all energy levels. Included with Issue 3 in all sales and trades.
  • On Acceptance Reassurance that it's fine to be as introverted as you are, even if you're made to feel weird for being "more introverted than introverts." Included with Issue 4 in all sales and trades.




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