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currently with 5,223 original articles

ZineWiki is an open-source encyclopedia devoted to zines and independent media. It covers the history, production, distribution and culture of the small press.

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This Month's Featured Article!

Teenage Gang Debs Issue One

Teenage Gang Debs is a fanzine by Erin Smith, Don Smith, and John Huston.

Teenage Gang Debs, published in Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A., was a fanzine devoted to pop culture and indie rock in equal parts.

Issue one was edited by Erin Smith and John Huston and released in 1988. The front cover features a drawing from a coloring book of the character "Samantha" from the television show Bewitched, and the back cover features photos of Calvin Johnson from the band Beat Happening. Inside are articles on The Patty Duke Show; "Cousin Oliver" from The Brady Bunch; the film Ghost in the Invisible Bikini by Don Smith; "Me and My View-Master" by Jeffery Kennedy; and reviews of The Brady Bunch- related songs such as "Sunshine Day" by The Lovedolls, from the film Lovedolls Superstar, "We Three Bunch" by Adrenalin O.D., and "Jan Brady" by The Lunachicks.


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