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Xero was a fanzine published by Patricia Lupoff and Richard Lupoff in New York, NY, U.S.A..

In 1960, Pat and Dick Lupoff started Xero, a mimeographed science fiction fanzine that also included general interest subjects, pop culture, and commentary on comics as well. Bhob Stewart was the Art Director. After 10 issues it had become so successful it became too much work for the couple and they ceased publication in 1963. It won the Hugo Award for Best Fanzine in 1963.

Because of its coverage of comics, Xero is considered to be the direct antecedent of later fanzines devoted to comics and featured a flip book supplement with a series of articles on comics called "All In Color For A Dime" by Richard Lupoff, soon joined by Don Thompson (Comic Art).

Artists contributing to Xero include Dan Adkins (Sata Illustrated), ATom (The ATom Anthology), Cathy Bell, Lin Carter, Larry Ivie, Eddie Jones, Roy G. Krenkel, Bhob Stewart, Steve Stiles, and Maggie Thompson (Comic Art).

Comics were contributed by Landon Chesney, Gary Deindorfer, Henry Mazzeo, Andy Reiss, Bhob Stewart, and Steve Stiles.

Contributors included Otto Binder, Bill Blackbeard, James Blish (The Planeteer), Bob Briney (Cataclysm), L. Sprague de Camp, Lin Carter (Spaceteer), Norm Clarke (Descant, Honque, Queebshots), Buck Coulson (Yandro), Avran Davison, Roger Ebert, Richard Ellington (Metrofan, The Bosses' Songbook), Harlan Ellison (Science Fantasy Bulletin), Tom Fagan, Roy Goulart, Jim Harmon, Larry Jarris, Roy Krenkel, Richard Kyle, Ethel Lindsay (Scottishe, The Lindsay Report), H.P. Norton, Frederik Pohl (The International Observer, Arcturus), Bill Schelly, Larry Shaw (Axe), Robert Shea, Chris Steinbrenner, Roy Thomas, Don Thompson, Bob Tucker (Le Zombie), Donald Westlake, Ted White, Paul Williams, Walt Willis (Hyphen), and Donald Wollheim.

The fanzine included a review of Psycho by Harlan Ellison, a review of Kingsley Amis' study of SF, New Maps of Hell by James Blish, and Donald Westlakes's farewell to SF.

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