The Future Generation

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China Martens started her zine, "The Future Generation: a zine for subculture parents, kids, friends, and others," in 1990 when her daughter was two. I never saw a zine on parenting until I made one myself. It was an unusual topic, but one that a few of us parents in the childcare room of the 1989 Anarchist Gathering in SF talked about: wouldn’t it be great to have an network for alternative parents?" China wrote in retrospect (in the zine about zines for the Art in Zine exhibition at ABC No Rio, 2007).

Early issues covered issues important to a parent struggling to raise a young child in the subculture. As her daughter grew, "The Future Generation" expanded to include other issues, some which affected the mother-daughter duo such as the welfare "reforms" and the razing of their neighborhood in Maryland, and others that affected parents and non-parents alike, such as work.

China's daughter is now 19 and puts out a zine of her own ("Dildo: A Zine with ADD"). Select excerpts of the 17 years of "The Future Generation" were published as a zine anthology this past year by ATomic Books.


Interview with China Martens

[ Link to ABC No Rio. Doesn't have zine about zines on website]

Link to Atomic Books and China's anthology