Supreme Nothing

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Supreme Nothing is a zine by Denny Lewalk, Burton, Ohio.

Supreme Nothing was written and published between 2000 and 2004. In that time, Denny Lewalk put together and sent out 18 issues. It was a perzine dealing with depression and everyday life, and a way for the editor to communicate her emotions and confusions.

Issue #11 employs a diaristic writing style, where everything is vital, and passion rules, "I'm so tired. I didn't get to bed until late last night. I called Adam. We talked for a long time. Like...over an hour, I know... it might have been two. I have not talked to anyone like that in a long time. Well, not really. I talk to Todd and Josh, but not for hours... and I talk to AV but that is different because he is so far away..."

This zine is presently on hiatus. Denny has been writing zines since 1993 and plans on writing again. She is currently getting her Masters in Library Science and started volunteering at the zine library at the Cleveland Public Library. Almost every issue is still available from Denny. Contact her by emailing

Denny used to have a website reviewing zines and networking zinesters from all over the world. It was called "The Best Zines Ever" and was a crappy Tripod site. She hopes to have the desire to put it together again sometime.