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PSYCHO is a once-a-week two-page zine run by a couple of highschool students. The zine is based in Nowhere, Michigan, which is somewhere between Capac, Emmett, and Yale飞机票预定 汽车租赁 租车 汽车陪练 汽车陪练 汽车陪练 IBM服务器 hp服务器 Dell服务器 地暖 北京货架 北京印刷 IBM服务器 性病 生殖器疱疹 尖锐湿疣 环氧地坪 燃气灶维修 货架厂 装饰公司 包装公司 汽车陪练 北京保洁 IBM服务器 国际快递公司 国际快递 国际速递 北京写字楼 写字楼 写字楼出租 塑胶地板 碎纸机 有机玻璃 单片机培训 会员卡 防伪标签 动画制作 电缆桥架 电缆桥架 展柜 专卖店设计 北京物流 冷藏物流 北京冷库 货运公司 印刷公司 特价国际机票 北京月嫂 代开发票 服务器机柜 北京装饰公司 热水器维修 装饰装潢 展览制作 会议服务 北京月嫂 燃气灶维修 IBM服务器 HP服务器 净化工程 国际展览 北京办公家具 会议服务 塑料颗粒机 打包带机 北京洗衣公司 二手电脑回收 英语学习网 口语 有机玻璃制品 MBA.

Current Staff

Julia "Give 'Em Hell, Kid" Fitzgerald; editor-in-chief, publisher, graphics, type.

Angela "Floofy Doom" Telmos; co-editor.

Azzy "The Az-Man" Giacalone (pronounced "Ozzy" and "Oz Man"); staff writer, comics.

Past Staff

Ash "Pro Otaku" Early; staff writer, iss. 1-7.

Sarah "Insane Emo Poet", "Harlequin Monkeys!" Kenny; staff writer, iss. 8-38.

Zack "Stake My Heart" Ruddock; co-editor, iss. 39-49.

Angela was formerly an independent contributor then a staff writer ("FluffyMuffinMaiden") for iss. 39-49.


PSYCHO was started on December 20 '05 by Julia Fitzgerald, and Ash Early was quickly sucked into the process. It was all because a small plane had landed near Detroit on I-75 and nobody knew about it. Slap together a logo, some friends to read it, and a cover story and there you go; PSYCHO v 1.

There was a major argument between Julia and Ash and they split, leaving Julia to continue with a new writer. Previous contributor Sarah Kenny joined and PSYCHO ran along happily; banging out 19 issues before the end of the school year.

Year two picked up nicely with a major jump in subscribers, but another falling-out between the staff occured at issue 37. Sarah wrote one last column and resigned. Zack Ruddock (Zacky) enlisted by way of audition for issue 39.

Zack dropped off PSYCHO at the end of year two at issue 49. Angela, the staff writer, was tossed into the co-editor seat and Azzy was hired, being a longtime friend of Angela and an acquaintance (through a cousin) of Julia.

Year three began with v 50 and a new look, new logo, new people. Since, PSYCHO has been featured in the Metro Times, based in Detroit, and has re-expanded; a vast majority of its subscribers having graduated at the end of year two.

PSYCHO has gotten past that awkward stage of chewing the drapes when left unattended. It has its enemies and eats them, too.


With the advent of the first-ever PSYCHO Anti-Spirit Week in year two (featuring Anti-fun and Anti-revelry), PSYCHO was nearly shut down. People were "offended".

Controversy continues to simmer ominously and it always has.

PSYCHO was once kicked off school grounds under threat of arrest for passing out handbills at orientation day.

Distribution and how to contact

PSYCHO can be contacted via email at or on their myspace page. Contact for address for subscription payment; subscriptions are $13 for a year. (averaging 20-30 issues)