Jennie Hinchcliff

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Jennie Hinchcliff does many things for a living, and many more for fun. Her obsession for sending things through the mail predates her obsession with Japan. She credits both mum and grandmother for instructing her in the ways of penmanship, origami folding and basic pamphlet stitching (as well as other handskills of the textile trade).

Jennie is a book arts instructor at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Her artists' books can be seen in the collections at UCLA, Franklin Furnace/MoMA in NYC, and the University of Oklahoma. She produces the mail art themed 'zine "Red Letter Day" and spends far too much money on postage stamps. In the service of PodPost, Jennie also teaches classes on mail art and faux postage. She smiles every time she hears the creak of her mailbox hinges.

Zines to date:

Red Letter Day, issues 1 and 2 (issue #3 currently going to press)

Kimagure No Dowa Hon - one shot zine produced in the spring of 2006 with Carolee Gilligan Wheeler

I Remember These Places When They Used To Exist - a one shot zine produced in the summer of 2006 with Carolee Gilligan Wheeler