Honey B Temple

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Honey B Temple is the publisher of HoneyPot zine.

The zine has been ongoing for about 4 years, with five issues to date. Honey B Temple started her zine because, in her words, "I had things to say and no forum to say them in, so I decided to start my own forum. I got started in zines when I got a zine in a trade at the now-basically-defunct Nervousness.org site, and I loved it. I decided then and there to do my own."

Her influences are Charles Bukowski, Dorothy Parker, "Maude" from the film Harold and Maude, Zora Neale Hurston, Janis Joplin, Raymond Chandler, and her deceased cat Xochitl.

Honey B Temple has also published stand-alone zines and other zine series, including a zine called "We are the Revolution" about how the reader can each take daily actions to make the world a better and healthier place for all living beings, and a couple of zines in the "Intimate City" series, which included an erotica collection and a zine about sex. As well, she assists in publishing underground books at Joe Pachinko's Superstition Street Press.

Honey B believes that zines are one of the last true literary revolutions. She says, "I'm proud to be involved with them and also in the underground publishing movement."

She actively seeks submissions, and is planning a zine about public transportation called "Perpetual Bus Ride" and for a revision of "We are the Revolution." Honey B Temple invites emails for more information.

External links

*Honey B Temple website]