Bird's nest zine library

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Bird's Nest Zine Library is a not-for-profit zine library located in Spokane, Washington, U.S.A.

The Bird's Nest collection includes zines, comics, chapbooks and some indie press magazines. Bird's Nest Zine Library functions as a cooperative community and is completely run by volunteers, who are committed to providing zines and zine making resources to the community at no cost.

Events and Projects

Bird's Nest Zine Library held its first no-cost community zine making workshop in July 2010. Bird's Nest volunteers also presented at the Zine Librarian's (Un)Conference in Portland, Oregon on August 30, 2010.


Bird's Nest Zine Library opened June 26, 2010 on the third floor of the Community Building at 35 W Main in downtown Spokane, Washington, U.S.A. The library originally consisted of the combined zine collections of Allynn Carpenter and Lindsae Williams, who created the library.


Bird's Nest is located inside of Spark Central at 1214 W Summit Parkway. Donations of zines are always welcome and appreciated.


Email: for information.

External Links

Bird's Nest Zine Library on Facebook