"Wes White"

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Revision as of 10:58, 13 July 2006 by Alanlastufka (talk | contribs)
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Wes White live in Glastonbury, England. He has several projects that come out with varying frequency, at the moment the most regular is Attack!!!!, which is a themed collaborative zine of writing and artwork. Attack!!!! accepts submissions in any language providing an English translation is provided at the same time.

Cartilage is White's creative perzine. Issue 5 is currently overdue, but has subscribers White won't let down.

White published two one-shot projects this year, "Volume the 54th" which is the fictional index of an entirely self-referential library, and "The First Twelve and a Half Chapters of Genesis in Alphabetical Order and Why I only Got that Far" which is exactly what it says on the cover.

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