Red Eft
Red Eft is a small press publication edited and published by Meg Smith.
Red Eft is devoted to horror, Gothic, and speculative fiction and art and is published in Lowell, Massachusetts, U.S.A. It was founded in 1994. In 1997, Vol. 2, No. 1 was released.
Contributing writers have included Tippi N. Blevins, Karen Blicker, Nate Connors, David Daniel, Wayne Edwards (Palace Corbie), Janet Fox (Scavenger's Newsletter), D.F. Lewis (Nemonymous), Edward McFadden, A.R. Morian, Kurt Newton, Octavio Ramos, Jr., Steve Sneyd (Data Dump), Eric Stamway, Jeffrey Thomas, and Brandon W. Totman (Contortions).
Contributing artists have included Cathy Buburuz (Champagne Horror) and Gay Tracy.
Red Eft also featured interviews with Neil Gaiman, Linda Gray Sexton, and Kim Traub.
Meg Smith has also published the zines Dracula Meets Jesus and The Banshee.